Friday, February 09, 2007

Evil Trio Complete - Triptych update!

So, awhile ago I posted "Slowly Getting There", describing a triptych project that I was working on for a private commission. This week I completed them. Here is a bit of the process for these pieces...
First, a photo of the final pieces. I've been referring to them as the Evil Trio - in a loving way :)
I started with masonite panels glued to a wood frame. I glued patterned paper down, then screenprinted a pattern that I created on top of the patterned paper. Yes, I like pattern. I learned to screenprint for this project, mostly self taught and through ALOT of trial and error, and it's now opened up a whole new universe to explore - very exciting! More of that later...
Anyhoo, then I drew the dolls on the board and painted them with acrylics and finished with oils. The brown photo with the lacy veil is a test print for the middle doll's veil.
I made their clothing using new and vintage fabrics and trims (some antique lace that my mother-in-law gave me came in handy) and I dyed them with tea to 'age' their color a bit. I then sewed the little dresses and glued them onto the board.